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Venice and its Lagoon

Venedig, Italy

Venedig und seine Lagune sind ein einzigartiges und faszinierendes Reiseziel in Italien. Die Stadt Venedig liegt auf einer Gruppe von 118 kleinen Inseln, die durch Kanäle miteinander verbunden sind. Die Lagune von Venedig ist ein weitläufiges Feuchtgebiet, das sich um die Stadt erstreckt und von der Adria getrennt ist.

Die Stadt Venedig ist bekannt für ihre malerischen Kanäle, historischen Bauwerke und romantische Atmosphäre. Eine der Hauptattraktionen ist der weltberühmte Markusplatz mit seiner beeindruckenden Basilika San Marco und dem imposanten Dogenpalast. Auch die Rialtobrücke, die den Canal Grande überspannt, ist ein beliebtes Fotomotiv und ein Symbol für die Stadt.

Neben den beeindruckenden Bauwerken bietet Venedig auch eine reiche Kulturgeschichte. Die Stadt war einst eine bedeutende Handelsmetropole und ein Zentrum der Renaissance. Dies spiegelt sich in den zahlreichen Museen und Galerien wider, die Kunstwerke aus verschiedenen Epochen präsentieren.

Ein besonderes Erlebnis in Venedig ist eine Fahrt mit einer der berühmten Gondeln. Die traditionellen venezianischen Ruderboote sind ein Symbol für die Stadt und eine romantische Art, die Kanäle zu erkunden. Auch eine Bootstour durch die Lagune bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die Stadt und ihre Umgebung.

Die Lagune von Venedig ist auch ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber. Sie ist Heimat vieler seltener Tier- und Pflanzenarten und ein wichtiges Naturschutzgebiet. Eine Bootstour durch die Lagune ermöglicht es Besuchern, die unberührte Natur und die einzigartige Tierwelt zu entdecken.

Neben der Stadt Venedig gibt es in der Lagune auch zahlreiche kleine Inseln, die einen Besuch wert sind. Murano ist bekannt für seine Glasbläserei, Burano für seine bunten Häuser und die Herstellung von Spitze und Torcello für seine historischen Kirchen.

Venedig und seine Lagune bieten ein unvergessliches Reiseerlebnis für jeden Besucher. Die einzigartige Kombination aus Geschichte, Kultur, Natur und Romantik machen die Stadt zu einem beliebten Reiseziel für Paare, Familien und Kulturliebhaber. Eine Reise nach Venedig und in die Lagune ist ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, das man sich nicht entgehen lassen sollte.

Founded in the 5th century and spread over 118 small islands, Venice became a major maritime power in the 10th century. The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building contains works by some of the world's greatest artists such as Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese and others.

The Venetian Lagoon (Italian: Laguna di Venezia; Venetian: Łaguna de Venesia) is an enclosed bay of the Adriatic Sea, in northern Italy, in which the city of Venice is situated. Its name in the Italian and Venetian languages, Laguna Veneta—cognate of Latin lacus, "lake"—has provided the English name for an enclosed, shallow embayment of salt water, a lagoon.

Venice (Italian: Venezia, Italian: [veˈnɛttsja] ) is a city in northeastern Italy and the capital of the Veneto region. It is built on a group of 126 islands that are separated by expanses of open water and by canals; portions of the city are linked by 472 bridges. The islands are in the shallow Venetian Lagoon, an enclosed bay lying between the mouths of the Po and the Piave rivers (more exactly between the Brenta and the Sile). In 2020, around 258,685 people resided in greater Venice or the Comune di Venezia, of whom around 51,000 live in the historical island city of Venice (centro storico) and the rest on the mainland (terraferma). Together with the cities of Padua and Treviso, Venice is included in the Padua-Treviso-Venice Metropolitan Area (PATREVE), which is considered a statistical metropolitan area, with a total population of 2.6 million.

The name is derived from the ancient Veneti people who inhabited the region by the 10th century BC. The city was historically the capital of the Republic of Venice for almost a millennium, from 810 to 1797. It was a major financial and maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a staging area for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as an important centre of commerce—especially silk, grain, and spice, and of art from the 13th century to the end of the 17th. The city-state of Venice is considered to have been the first real international financial centre, emerging in the 9th century and reaching its greatest prominence in the 14th century. This made Venice a wealthy city throughout most of its history. For centuries Venice possessed numerous territories along the Adriatic Sea and within the Italian peninsula, leaving a significant impact on the architecture and culture that can still be seen today. The Venetian Arsenal is considered by several historians to be the first factory in history, and was the base of Venice's naval power. The sovereignty of Venice came to an end in 1797, at the hands of Napoleon. Subsequently, in 1866, the city became part of the Kingdom of Italy.

Venice has been known as "La Dominante", "La Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Masks", "City of Bridges", "The Floating City", and "City of Canals". The lagoon and the historic parts of the city within the lagoon were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, covering an area of 70,176.4 hectares (173,410 acres). In view of the fact that Venice and its lagoon are under constant threat in terms of their ecology and the safeguarding of the cultural heritage, Venice's UNESCO listing has been under constant examination by UNESCO. Parts of Venice are renowned for the beauty of their settings, their architecture, and artwork. Venice is known for several important artistic movements – especially during the Renaissance period – and has played an important role in the history of instrumental and operatic music; it is the birthplace of Baroque composers Tomaso Albinoni and Antonio Vivaldi.

In the 21st century, Venice remains a very popular tourist destination, a major cultural centre, and has been ranked many times the most beautiful city in the world. It has been described by The Times as one of Europe's most romantic cities and by The New York Times as "undoubtedly the most beautiful city built by man". However, the city faces challenges including an excessive number of tourists, pollution, tide peaks and cruise ships sailing too close to buildings.