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Arab-Norman Palermo - Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalú and Monreale

Palermo, Italy

Arabisch-normannisches Palermo ist ein kulturelles und architektonisches Juwel in der italienischen Stadt Palermo. Es ist ein einzigartiges Beispiel für die Vermischung von arabischen und normannischen Kulturen und Architekturstilen im Mittelalter.

Das Palermo der arabisch-normannischen Zeit war ein blühendes Zentrum des Handels und der Kultur, das von verschiedenen Kulturen beeinflusst wurde. Die Araber eroberten Palermo im 9. Jahrhundert und machten es zu ihrer Hauptstadt in Sizilien. Sie brachten ihre fortschrittliche Architektur, Wissenschaft und Kunst mit, die das Gesicht der Stadt für immer veränderten.

Im 11. Jahrhundert eroberten die Normannen Palermo und brachten ihre eigene Kultur und Architektur mit. Die Verschmelzung dieser beiden Kulturen führte zu einer einzigartigen Mischung, die in den Denkmälern und Gebäuden von Arabisch-normannisches Palermo deutlich sichtbar ist.

Eines der bekanntesten Denkmäler in Arabisch-normannisches Palermo ist der Normannenpalast, der als eines der besten Beispiele für normannische Architektur gilt. Der Palast war einst das Zentrum der normannischen Herrschaft und beherbergt heute die Kapelle Palatina, eine Meisterleistung arabischer Architektur mit verzierten Mosaiken und Kunstwerken.

Ebenfalls im Arabisch-normannischen Palermo befindet sich die Kathedrale von Palermo, die ein perfektes Beispiel für die Verschmelzung von arabischer und normannischer Architektur ist. Die Kathedrale wurde auf den Überresten einer moslemischen Moschee erbaut und enthält Spuren der beiden Kulturen in ihrer Architektur.

Neben den beeindruckenden Denkmälern bietet das Arabisch-normannische Palermo auch charmante Gassen, bunte Märkte und traditionelle Restaurants, die die Besucher in eine vergangene Zeit zurückversetzen. Es ist ein Ort, der die reiche Geschichte und Kultur von Palermo verkörpert und ein Muss für alle Besucher der Stadt ist.

Insgesamt ist das Arabisch-normannische Palermo eine einzigartige Attraktion in Palermo, die die kulturelle Vielfalt und Geschichte dieser Stadt widerspiegelt. Es ist ein Ort, der sowohl Architektur- als auch Geschichtsliebhaber begeistern wird und definitiv einen Besuch wert ist.

Located on the northern coast of Sicily, Arab-Norman Palermo includes a series of nine civil and religious structures dating from the era of the Norman kingdom of Sicily (1130-1194): two palaces, three churches, a cathedral, a bridge, as well as the cathedrals of Cefalú and Monreale. Collectively, they are an example of a social-cultural syncretism between Western, Islamic and Byzantine cultures on the island which gave rise to new concepts of space, structure and decoration. They also bear testimony to the fruitful coexistence of people of different origins and religions (Muslim, Byzantine, Latin, Jewish, Lombard and French).

Palermo ( pə-LAIR-moh, -⁠LUR-; Italian: [paˈlɛrmo] ; Sicilian: Palermu, locally also Paliemmu [paˈljɛmmʊ] or Palèimmu) is a city in southern Italy, the capital of both the autonomous region of Sicily and the Metropolitan City of Palermo, the city's surrounding metropolitan province. The city is noted for its history, culture, architecture and gastronomy, playing an important role throughout much of its existence; it is over 2,700 years old. Palermo is in the northwest of the island of Sicily, by the Gulf of Palermo in the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The city was founded in 734 BC by the Phoenicians as Sis ("flower"). Palermo then became a possession of Carthage. Two Greek colonies were established, known collectively as Panormos; the Carthaginians used this name on their coins after the 5th century BC. As Panormus, the town became part of the Roman Republic and Empire for over a thousand years. From 831 to 1072 the city was under Arab rule in the Emirate of Sicily when the city became the capital of Sicily for the first time. During this time the city was known as Balarm.

Following the Norman conquest, Palermo became the capital of a new kingdom, the Kingdom of Sicily, that lasted from 1130 to 1816.

The population of Palermo urban area is estimated by Eurostat to be 855,285, while its metropolitan area is the fifth most populated in Italy with around 1.2 million people. In the central area, the city has a population of around 676,000 people. The inhabitants are known as Palermitani or, poetically, panormiti. The languages spoken by its inhabitants are the Italian language and the Palermitano dialect of the Sicilian language.

Palermo is Sicily's cultural, economic and tourism capital. It is a city rich in history, culture, art, music and food. Numerous tourists are attracted to the city for its appealing Mediterranean climate, its renowned gastronomy and restaurants, its Romanesque, Gothic, Baroque and Art Nouveau churches, palaces and buildings, and its nightlife and music. Palermo is the main Sicilian industrial and commercial center: the main industrial sectors include tourism, services, commerce and agriculture. Palermo has an international airport and a significant underground economy.

For cultural, artistic and economic reasons, Palermo is one of the largest cities in the Mediterranean and is now among the top tourist destinations in both Italy and Europe. It is the main seat of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalù and Monreale. The city is also going through careful redevelopment, preparing to become one of the major cities of the Euro-Mediterranean area.

Roman Catholicism is highly important in Palermitan culture. The Patron Saint of Palermo is Santa Rosalia whose Feast Day is celebrated on 15 July. The area attracts significant numbers of tourists each year and is widely known for its colourful fruit, vegetable and fish markets at the heart of Palermo, known as Vucciria, Ballarò and Capo.

Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalù and Monreale is a series of nine religious and civic structures located on the northern coast of Sicily dating from the era of the Norman Kingdom of Sicily (1130-1194): two palaces, three churches, a cathedral, and a bridge in Palermo, as well as the cathedrals of Cefalù and Monreale. They have been designated together as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This dedication took place in 2015.

The new Norman rulers built various structures in what has become known as the Arab-Norman style. They incorporated the best practices of Arab and Byzantine architecture into their own art. Although a different builder constructed each of the sites, they are linked together because of their shared architecture and time period. These sites work to create a shared identity among the areas that they are built in. This is because many people chose to visit the sites together, not just one at a time. Providing not only a steady revenue of tourism, but also a revenue of tourists that have visited each of the sites and bring that experience with them.

Currently all of the buildings are under continuous restoration and care. This care varies from site to site but most often consists of topical restoration (cleaning, maintaining murals, etc), research (what the building might have looked like originally and what was done there), and structural restoration (making sure the building is safe and structurally sound).